
Remembering Fred

I was sad to hear from Jennifer tonight. Poor girl had to put her Fred to sleep today he was ill with Lymphoma. :-( She has had Fred for 9+ years and he was her baby. Thank goodness he is now resting comfortable with Chanel, Sam and Cleo.

In other news I figured out how to post a photo to this blog!! Whooo hooo will wonders never cease.
I look forward to posting more now as time goes on.

I am off to work on yesterdays creative project for sister in law and hope to finish it up tonight.

Tomorrow the group from Target is going into Chicago for Chicago Cares, it's a volunteer day in celebration of Martin Luther King and we always have a blast in years past we have made book shelves for schools, painted at various schools created murals, read to elderly.. It's a feel good day and I look forward to this years project.

Until next time!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for remembering my baby!! and such a cute pic of him!
