
Sunshine and Clouds

Thursdays are a blast.... My day off, working in the garden been up since 5:30am. But got my plants all tied up and tended :-) relaxed and watched a couple mallards visit the feeder and a single bluejay seems to like me now! Whooo Hoooo good bird day!

Kerry finished painting part of a ceiling this am... Thank goodness wanna know how much fun it has been having a 16ft ladder in your living room since Turkey day 2009?? NOT FUN>>>>>> but he treats me so well and never complains about anything.. so in turn I just walked around the ladder and didn't complain.. I love that we compliment each other in this way it's those small compromises that make our marriage work and is stronger than ever!

Working on dual layouts for Jen/Josh books - same photo with both in it and 1 for me.. Using some Kraft papers and it's pulling together nicely. Have used up some more stash... but I do need to confess Archiver's is calling my name loudly..... I did not go yesterday, so far today held off but no promises...
Will post layouts when done...

This weeks first read is by Heather Graham "The Killing Edge" so far good, but she is a tried and true suspense author for me.. so I will like it I am sure.
Until next time!


  1. Oh sounds like a great morning....gardens and birds and ducks....OH MY!!!

    I have to giggle about the ladder...sounds like a few things sitting in this house...for instance....my poor bedroom still have that big honking treadmill staring at me and then the piles of things that need to be put downstairs in all the storage units....but hey wait...he had not built the units yet!!! :-)

    Have a great weekend sweet friend...we are off to NJ for a wedding...oh dear can you count the flavors of dysfunction....but I love my Joe..so I am going with a big smile on my face and maybe several drinks in my hand!!! Love ya girlie!!

  2. Whoooo hoooo a road trip.... enjoy the weekend and the wedding.. Dont forget the little umbrellas for those drinks!!
    Love ya! :-)
