
Got my Groove

I am so excited to be scrapping and using my stash! I have been using the Scenic Route Salem collection for Jen's album and love how everything pulls together nicely. I seem to have got my groove again, with following a sketch or two, I now am pulling my layouts together quicker with my own eye. I still hope to utilize the sketch sites I have located and will credit them when I do, but for now these two came out of my head! lol scary I know.
I was excited to hear from Josh last nite, when I called him back we had a nice conversation. I love and miss him so much, but it seems to be better for him to live elsewhere and come to terms with who he is and who he wants to be.. :-) Good luck with your new job I think about you daily and can't wait to hear from you again!
Jen is an Auntie again, she was thrilled to have yet another nephew, the photos she sent are adorable, I can't wait to add them to her books.
Having terrible weather today! UGH T-storms and lightning with pouring rain, only hope they keep the peeps home from Target! (I know not good for $ales but on a closing weekend I don't need the crazy guests! ) LOL and they are out there, I realize the economy is not doing well and WE are all trying to get the most for our dollars, but there are just way tooo many dishonest people trying to take advantage of it. And that bugs the crap outta me!!! Well off to finish up another layout and get ready for work.
Until next time!


  1. You go girl!!! Glad to hear you got your groove back for scrappin!!
    Storms here this morning too, but didn't last long. I think I will try out your theory with the sketches and see if it gets my creativity flowing again. I've been off and on with it for a few weeks now!

  2. You certainly did get your groove!! awesome layouts!!! Wishing you a wonderful week!!!
