
Bird Watch

So most of you might know by now I LOVE Birds, all kinds big and small. Well I've had my fill of the blackbirds, cowbirds, and such.. but they are still welcome to eat in my yard! LOL when I have had my fill of them I swosh infront of the window like a mad woman and then sit back to enjoy.
Today, I was able to weed one of my gardens, and enjoy the nice breeze and sun!!! After all the rain we have had lately it is nice. I have a couple pictures I took today, the Bluejay eluded my shooting expertise, so I hope he comes again, I get one every now and then.
Here is one of the many Cardnials I am blessed with daily.

The little burst of color brightens my yard and disposition when these Little American Goldfinches come to feast at the thistle feeders.

'This little guy is a new one for me to identify he is a White Crowned Sparrow.
Well so much for spending NSD (National Scrapbooking Day- for my family who might read) scrapping etc.. but I love bird watching too much and with the sunshine and fresh air who could resist not I!!!!
Until next time!


  1. Such great pics.....we have too much in common!!! Nothing brings me more happiness that to have the feeders full and watch these beautiful creatures, visit me daily! Happy Sunday!

  2. Great photos of your little birdies! Sounds like you had a relaxing weekend! Hope today is a wonderful day!

  3. Gearing up for work after 4 days off! LOL was very relaxing maybe too relaxing :-)
