
I'm still alive...

Just a quick post to let everyone know I am still around. Busy at work tomorrow is my first day off in 7 days, I hope to work in garden, get blog updated, respond to Jocelyn's tag, and Carla's getting to know you and oh maybe something creative.
In the meantime, I am taking suggestions for flowers to put in this cute little planter my Sister in Law gave me for Christmas a couple years ago. I tend to want something to last most of the Spring/Summer season, and change out in Fall. Usually we go with Gerainums but I am open for suggestions area is bright light and late afternoon sun... Please leave me your suggestion in the comments area... I hope to try something new this year. Thanks!

Until next time!


  1. Oh how I wish I COULD help with a suggestion. I am a know-nothing-black-thumb kind of girl and it SUCKS! I am so jealous of people...ahem, like you...that have the gardening gene! Just kidding! Not really jealous, just wishing I could channel your gift! Good luck! Whatever you do will be beautiful!

  2. I love Geraniums....they last all summer and have such wonderful color.....That is what I put it that adorable planter!!!! Happy Thursday!

  3. Awwww Lisa, I certanily can not tell you where this gene comes from, but I am happy "It" found me. I will be happy to share my "gift through my blog :-)

    Jocelyn, that is why I always wind up with them too, they last all summer, wonder if they make Orange ones??? LOL thanks ladies.
