
Smile peek!

As promised I have a peek of the Smile mini project I am working on currently. I have a vision of where I want this to go so lets see if my creative karma follows me. Of course I am totally loving this paper with the Giraffes being my favorite wild animal.
Front Cover ~ so far

Inside front cover and first page~

Today forcast has T-storms this afternoon. I don't mind them but they always make me think of my dear Duchess! Oh how she hated T-storms and Lightning and Fireworks, never really understood why though. All I know is she would shiver and cry for attention trying to crawl inside you to hide.. poor baby, was frustrating and all but we just felt so bad for her. Now I know she is in a better place and not scared of them anymore... that makes me Smile....

Until next time!


  1. Oh Lorry your book is beautiful and I got teary when I read about Duchess......I know you miss her terribly!!!! My Porsha was the very same way!!! In fact...her little urn was downstairs on a shelf and I made sure to scoop it up before the movers came in yesterday....I miss her too and know that she is with Duchess...in a better place...Thoughts are with you today!!! :)

  2. Thanks friend :-)

  3. Oooh...so sad to lose a beloved pet. Love your sneak peek! Hope you are having a lovely Sunday! :)

  4. Awwww, what a sweet photo of Duchess! After getting our puppy I can fully understand how much you miss her! Can't wait for the full reveal on your project, it looks so stinkin cute already!!

  5. Just stopping back in to reply to the comment you left on my blog. Just so you know, I probably have ALREADY consumed your share of Diet Dr. Pepper! LOL! Thanks for the sweet comments you always leave. I LOVE it when you stop by! xoxo L
