

Yesterday was a FML day! My computer caught a virus and I need to be MIA for a bit... UGH!!!!
Watched a full day of football, finished up 2 layouts for Sarah's book, finished up my Christmas mini present for Mother in law this morning... Looks like I will be very productive till the Dr. can cure my virus... lol
So I will check in when I can, I have Kerry's computer right now but its attached to the business so I don't want to work on it more than necessary. Until then I will be pining away for your craftyness and wittiness... Love yas!
Until next time!


  1. Oh sweetie...so sorry an ole nasty virus got your computer!!!! Create, create and create some more...while it is getting fixed!!!! Love ya girlie!!! :-)

  2. Lorry, so sorry to hear your computer is sick! I will miss you! Hope you are back in the world of cyber space soon! xoxo L
