
Busy as a bee

Oh my blog how I have neglected thee!! So sorry, i've been busy as a bee planting, reading, working, watching tv, FB, and longing to blog and craft.. Well enough is enough I'm here today to try and catch up a bit.. Been reading my dear friends blogs and they are so busy too. Lots of LIFE happening all around us this is a good thing!

Current read is by Joanna Campbell Slan called "Photo Snap Shot" I just love her style of writing and of course it helps its about our passionate scrapbooking!!! Kiki is such a treat I never know what she is going to do next. Thank you Joanna and I can't wait for your next book and I am not finished with this one. :-)

Last week was a fun mail week for me (photos later) my youngest sister Carrie and I could be twins we think so much alike and have the same warped sense of humor... I got a great card from her about a memory from our childhood that made me belly laugh all the way to work! I also got 2 had made specially for me birdhouses from my bil :-) I can not wait to put them in the yard they will be a bright fun addition ~~ favorite colors too, Orange and Purple.

Work had been one drama after another this week, one wonders how the younger generation will survive (well at my work anyway!) the group of mangement I have above me are all 20 or 30 somethings who think they are the rulers of the world... lol been there done that... Have to laugh as I have a daughter older than them and a son their ages... I just get into "MOM" mode with them and make a decision / take charge / and move on... yes it really is that simple kids..
Frustration level up because they are the ones who are supposed to be doing this. And my peers and I get paid less, work harder and make more sound decisions than they ever could.... UGH
Enough of that~~ moving on lol I really don't let it consume me it's just one of the things that kept me away from my bloggin and scrapping time...

Gardens are so very relaxing to me, I just love working in them (even the weeding I tend to keep up so it's not bad!) They are coming alive with color and I've planted a few container pots and a couple more perennials... I have been adding one or two to my gardens for a couple years now and it has been very successful and bloom all summer!! Yeah me.
Been raining a bit, but I spy some sunshine heading our way today hope to get out and enjoy it very soon. I have been blessed with a chickadee nesting in one of my existing birdhouses so fun to watch them flutter in and out all day.

Scrapping on hiatus??? Summer time is hard for me due to being outside so much, but I had made a ton of cards and posted couple weeks back... not much since then. Cleaned off work space and did a layout of my sister's family for my "family" book.... really want to do more but that whole it's nice out calls to me... Hope to get something accomplished later today, I am 4 weeks behind on the SC Sunday sketch, I loved doing them and need to get caught up quick..
Until next time!

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