

Lots of stuff going on this week! First up Duchess is still hanging in there, not well and I am tormented about the next phase of action needed. She does eat and drink, not as much as normal, but the weight of the fluid shes holding is wearing her out and making it hard for her to get comfy. So Kerry and I have been spending all our time with her letting her know how much we love her!
Next I did another layout yesterday for my book. Love that I have some fairly current (2007) photos of my nephews and niece. Used some Scenic Route Summer collection for these and a couple of my quickutz to even off the page looks cute... hehe

Kerry and I had a "date night" last night whooo hooo I love spending time with this guy, hes quiet most of the time, but that's ok I talk enough for both of us! We went to the Casino for the Free Prime Rib dinner( gets comped hoping you will go and gamble after!) The meal is yummie, last nite we had desert Creme Brule oh to die for, it was covered with fresh raspberries, blueberries and strawberries. We did hit the slots, took his $20.00 and we left. On the way home we stopped at PetSmart and picked up a glass top for the new aquarium and Kerry wanted fish. I am loving watching him get so excited about this project.
This morning after breakfast I noticed some wavy water in our pond.. Yes my ducks are back! We have a pair of Mallards that frequent our yard hoping they hang out to nest, will look into getting some hay or whatever they need and see what happens. So because I always have my camera accessible I shot these photos. I got some bread and lured them out to eat and after they went back to swim and preen, this little squirrel decided he wanted bread too!

Below is a photo of what this area looks like during season. I can't wait for it to warm up enough so we can enjoy it again. Winter gets kinda dreary and the birds miss the running waterfall (so
so I!!!!! lol)
Until next time!


  1. Lorry, how cute are they!!! Ours are still hanging out on our pond too! I think I may have found where they built a nest, but I can't get close enough to see if its one or not. Love your pretty little area by the pond, looks so peaceful :)

  2. Thanks Carla, we love it too.. lol I love being outside and with this and our new patio Kerry will actually sit there with me now. The birds love the waterfall and its fun to watch as well as the peacefulness!
