
Creative Thursday

Creative Thursday, I have not had one of these for awhile, been too busy stalking the birds in my yard! lol Looking forward for some inspiration to create a couple of Mother's Day cards today.
I have a simple one with the Tulip photos I took last weekend, not sure if I should embellish it or leave it be time will be the deciding factor!
Thursdays are a free for all day here, I got laundry started, cleaned off counter in kitchen.. haha the kitchen counter is our catchall place.. I have a love/hate relationship with it. But this time I was cleaning up Kerry's junk not mine, you see I put all my stuff in a basket, well ok the basket is overflowing, but its in one place right????? That has to count for something? See Below.
Exhibit 1

Side facing the pond, last year we had Petunias in here and they were great looking, lasted all year. Kerry picked these out this year, but they were not "Wave" type, so I don't think the look will be the same, but I like them so far. Hoping they fill in better as summer goes on.

Okay so it's pretty green out here right now, this is in back of my shed area (the extra foot of garden space and the 1/2 circle at end courtesy of Kerry!!! lol

Close up on the wall I do have some Violets that are getting bigger every year and spreading, so that will help fill in the area, I want to find and add some Lilly of the Valleys I think the contrast will be pretty plus they smell divine!

Lastly is the start of filling in the 1/2 circle area with Phlox, I got the purple, low ground cover only 3 plants to start, but I will be getting a couple more this weekend to fill in better. Yes I know they will grow, but it looks pretty sparse right now... lol I want fullness, lushness, and prettiness RIGHT NOW!!!! but really I am a patient woman, just ask my kids.
Until next time!


  1. Ahhhh! You made me think of Spring! Love the pretty flowers. And they will be "full" before you know it! :)

  2. Thats for sure Lisa. It's raining again :-) so I don't have to water, but I spent couple hours weeding various spots in the yard getting them ready.

  3. Very pretty Lorry!! Yes, the phlox will get nice and big and thick and you'll be wanting to thin it out soon enough!! Isn't gardening wonderful and fulfilling?!!

  4. I love my gardens Carla! There is something about being outside in the fresh air and digging in the dirt lol the kid in me I guess.
